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A2 Cow Ghee

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A2 Cow Ghee
₹1530 ₹1535
Product ID : 33
Categroy : Ghee
Available :

Min Order Limit : 1

A2 cow Ghee


The A2 Ghee is prepared in the ancient traditional Indian way via Bilona process, by churning the curd of the milk using a wooden churner and then heating the butter obtained from it. The two-way churning enhances the medicinal and ayurvedic properties of ghee. After the water is evaporated from the butter on heating, the ghee is separated from the milk solids.

A2 Milk is sourced from the Gir cow. The A2 Milk contains the A2 variant of Beta- Casein Protein. The hump of Gir Cow, source of A2 Milk, holds a great significance as the hump carries specific veins known as Surya Ketu Nadi which absorbs energy from the sun and moon and thus produce the golden salts and A2 Protein in the milk and other by-products and thus results in the golden colour of the ghee.

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